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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News

Trafficking for Exploitation Outside the Sex Sector in Europe

Anti-Slavery International et al (2006): Trafficking for Forced Labour in Europe: Report on a Study in the UK, Ireland, the Czech Republic and Portugal. London: Anti-Slavery International

Beirnaert, J. (2011): A Trade Union Perspective on Combating Trafficking and Forced Labour in Europe, in: Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for Labour Exploitation. Chapter 10, Pp.471-494. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publisher.

Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME)/ Moritz, T. & Tsourdi, L. (eds) (2009): Trafficking for forced labour in Europe: Emerging challenges – emerging responses. A collection of emerging best practice examples. Brussels: Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME)

Dijk, F.H. van & Ungureanu R.N. (2010): Labour Exploitation in Europe: A practical guide with observations and recommendations on European inspection, investigation, and prosecution of labour exploitation.

ILO (2002): Forced Labour, Child Labour and Human Trafficking in Europe: An ILO Perspective. Geneva: ILO

ILO (2003): Forced labour, migration and trafficking in Europe. Geneva: ILO

ILO/Andrees, B. (2008): Forced labour and trafficking in Europe: how people are trapped in, live through and come out. Working Paper 57, February 2008. Geneva: ILO

ILO (2009a): The Cost of Coercion: Forced Labour: Facts and Figures; Regional Perspectives: Europe and Central Asia. Geneva: ILO

ILO (2010): Labour inspection in Europe: undeclared work, migration, trafficking. Geneva: ILO

ITUC CSI IGB/Anti Slavery International (2011): Never work alone. Trade Unions and NGOs joining forces to combat Forced Labour and Trafficking in Europe. Brussels: ITUC.

OSCE (2005 & 2006): Report of the 3rd and 5th Alliance against Trafficking in Persons Conferences on Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation/Forced and Bonded Labour. Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation/Forced and Bonded Labour: Identification – Prevention – Prosecution; Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation/Forced and Bonded Labour: Prosecution of Offenders, Justice for Victims. Vienna: OSCE

OSCE (2006)/ Katy Thompson,: A Summary of Challenges Facing Legal Responses to Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in the OSCE Region (MC.DEC/8/07). Vienna: OSCE

OSCE (2007): Decision No. 8/07. Combating Trafficking in human beings for Labour Exploitation. MC.DEC/8/07. Madrid: Ministerial Council.

OSCE-ODIHR (2007a): The NRM Approach to Trafficking and its application to trafficking for labour exploitation. Report on Civil Society Meeting, Warsaw, 24 April 2007. ODIHR Anti-Trafficking Programme. Warsaw: OSCE-ODIHR

OSCE-ODIHR (2007b): ODIHR Discussion Paper on standards and new developments in labour trafficking. Warsaw. OSCE-ODIHR

OSCE (2009): A summary of challenges addressing human trafficking for labour exploitation in the agricultural sector in the OSCE region. Vienna: OSCE

OSCE (2011): Unprotected Work, Invisible Exploitation: Trafficking for the Purpose of Domestic Servitude. Vienna: OSCE

UK Home Office/Dowling, S., Moreton, K., Wright, L. (2007): Trafficking for the purposes of labour exploitation: a literature review. Home Office Online Report 10/07. Online: Research Development and Statistics Directorate, UK Home Office.

USAID (2009): Trafficking of adult men in the Europe and Eurasia regions. Final report. USAID