Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...


“Vodoo Inverso” winning entry to Rights! Art! Action!

GAATW is pleased to announce “Vodoo Inverso”, submitted by Kay Chernush, as the winning entry to GAATW’s recent art contest, Rights! Art! Action!

RAA VoodooInverso KayChernush

“With this picture I reverse the voodoo onto my trafficker.  I am not afraid anymore.”

Chernush says: “This image is part of a series of “re-imagings,” inspired by the narratives of survivors of trafficking …. The work is intended to explode the anecdotal into the universal, as in this work, which is about Courage and Hope.  Transforming the particular individual experience in a larger context empowers the woman, enabling her to see herself differently….”

Judge, Jackie Pollock (MAP Thailand), says: “The image provides a strong profile of a woman but with dangers lurking in the background; however, despite the evident threats, the woman remains strong, and refuses to be consumed by these dangers.”

The Rights! Art! Action! campaign invited creative works which depict the (often overlooked) strength and resilience women demonstrate through their labour, migration and trafficking struggles.

The campaign responded to GAATW’s concerns that almost without exception, anti-human trafficking campaigns use violent and distressing images of women’s fearful, ‘helpless’ faces and exploited, crouching bodies to draw people’s attention to trafficking, highlighting women’s vulnerability rather than women’s strength and women’s rights. 

GAATW was interested in exploring a different way forward, moving beyond images of women’s victimhood and vulnerability, to representations of strength and autonomy – qualities in many trafficked persons GAATW has met and worked with. GAATW sought to encourage a rights-based approach to anti-trafficking campaign material and to encourage others to do the same.

The campaign ran from November 2009 to June 2010 and received many unique and thought-provoking submission. Submissions were judged on:  artistic ability; commitment to the Rights! Art! Action! principles; and, usability in campaigns material.

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Click here to view the Rights Art Action Gallery