Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

GAATW Global Consultation and Report on Prevention Initiatives

Despite the increasing attention, however, only a limited body of material exists on strategies implemented by NGOs, international organisations and governments, much less on the influence of those endeavours. The GAATW prevention report aims to contribute to filling this lacuna, providing a practical catalogue of the projects, activities, experience and observations of global prevention initiatives. Moreover, it provides a basis for the stimulation of new ideas and a discussion point for the challenges, new directions and evaluative mechanisms in the prevention of human trafficking.

The basis of the report stems from the results of a Global Consultation on Prevention of Human Trafficking, held 13-16 November 2006 in Bangkok with a delegation of 22 practitioners, specialists and academics. Data was also drawn from a desk review of current literature about prevention strategies and programmes and the findings of an international questionnaire of 28 NGOs, international organisations and selected government agencies in five continents.

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