Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Call for Photos

CallforPhotos 2013CalendarWhat is a national border? Lines on a map? Dividing lines between cultures, systems and people? Lines of control? How are those lines drawn?

What do borders mean to you?

What does crossing borders entail?

What is an open border? And what is a closed one?

Who are stopped at the border? For whom is 'proper documentation' an impossible thing so they must take risks and cross borders 'illegally'? Who are the people who can cross borders easily 'with the right papers'?

Most borders are also intense and interesting visual spaces. Some borders witness daily traffic of thousands of people who just 'come to the other side' for their day's work and go home at the end of the day. Traffic is regulated but as a formality. Some borders are heavily guarded and patrolled and people cross it at their own peril. There are also open borders where movement is perfectly legal but some well intentioned people guard it to prevent trafficking.

What is your visual memory of a border? Do you have a border story? We are inviting you to share your visual memories and thoughts with us. If you live in a border town and witness the daily coming and going, if you have heard of or experienced a difficult/impossible border crossing may be you would like to share the images and thoughts with others. It could be a photograph or a drawing or any other kind of symbolic representation with some words.

Selected entries will be duly acknowledged/credited and included in GAATW's 2013 Calendar which will be distributed to members and allies world-wide.

Digital or scanned images need to be:

  • 250 - 300 dpi
  • about 8 by 6  inches in size
  • JPEG or TIFF format

Do feel free to share this with your own network of friends too. Email the images to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 1 December 2012.