Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

GAATW Publications

What a Way to Make a Living: Violence and harassment faced by women migrant workers in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico

version en español

This research aimed to explore gender-based violence in the world of work from the perspective of women migrant workers. The 172 women interviewed by eight Latin American civil society organisations reported experiencing a spectrum of violence and discrimination, through dynamics created by patriarchal societies and families, racism and xenophobia and an entrenched neoliberal capitalist economy. This is creating a ‘new normal’ of permanent precarity through a lack of social coverage, poverty wages, exploitative working conditions and job insecurity.

View/download the reports:

Executive summary (English)

Resumen ejecutivo

Country reports (in Spanish) 

Mujeres de Paraguay, Bolivia y Perú trabajadoras de casa particular, textiles y ambulantes en Buenos Aires, Argentina (AMUMRA, Argentina)

La industria de la moda en Sao Paulo (ASBRAD, Brazil)

Trabajadoras haitianas en el sector de limpieza en Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil (IBISS, Brazil)

Percepción y realidad de mujeres colombianas, venezolanas y españolas, trabajadoras migrantes de y hacia Colombia (Corporación Espacios de Mujer, Colombia)

Colombianas y Venezolanas en el sector del servicio doméstico (SINTRASEDOM, Colombia)

Migrantes internas de Jalapa y Chimaltenango trabajando en sectores informales (ECPAT, Guatemala)

Mujeres de Honduras, Guatemala,Nicaragua, Cuba y migrantes internas en el trabajo sexual, en México (Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer "Elisa Martinez", Mexico)

Venezolanas viviendo y trabajando en Lima, Perú (CHS Alternativo, Peru)